Ready Steady Yeti
Hjertelig velkommen til den danske Wiktionary, Ready Steady Yeti! Jeg håber du vil få en god tid her på projektet. Jeg vil gerne introducere dig til nogle gængse metoder og projektet generelt. Wiktionary er en flersproget ordbog (og indeholder derfor både danske og udenlandske ord) som alle kan bidrage til, og som derfor er i konstant udvikling. Indholdet er frit tilgængeligt for alle. Wiktionary redigeres efter samme metode som Wikipedia, men der er nogle grundlæggende forskelle:
En artikel på Wiktionary (f.eks. hund) oplyser typisk om ordets sprog, etymologi, ordklasse og køn (for substantiver). Desuden gives en definition, et eksempel og oversættelser til andre sprog. Artiklerne opbygges vha. skabeloner, som der foreligger en forklaring på i Wiktionary:Skabeloner. Et godt sted at begynde redigeringen af Wiktionary er på skribentforsiden. Hvis du har brug for at spørge om noget, er du meget velkommen til at henvende dig på landsbybrønden eller spørge mig på min diskussionsside. Endnu en gang: velkommen til! Med venlig hilsen en bruger der glemte at signere velkomsten |
Ready Steady Yeti (diskussion) 9. jun 2014, 02:45 (UTC)
redigérHej Ready Steady Yeti,
"flertal form af" er ikke korrekt dansk. Enten må du skrive "flertalsform" i ét ord eller nøjes med "flertal". F. eks. "flertalsform af peninsula" eller blot "flertal af peninsula". Prøv f. eks. at søge på "flertalsform af" på Google (p.t. ca. 117,000 resultater. (Det hedder f. eks heller ikke "forår dag", men "forårsdag" osv.)
Med venlig hilsen --Olelog (diskussion) 11. jun 2014, 20:42 (UTC)
The templates
redigérIf you're about to contact me because of the templates I just made, relax. They enhance the wiki, and I just wanted to add a little color to our wiki also. Also, I will now be more active here than on the English Wiktionary. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 21. okt 2014, 02:17 (UTC)
- This is not a question about colours!
- Look at the word run. The verb now seems to be ”run” in ”tredje person ental præsens” and ”run” in ”perfektum”. Please be careful when you change existing templates. Would you please also think of Danish readers (and not only in this particular case). “Lemma” is a word most Danes don't understand. “Opslagsord”, or in this case “infinitiv”, might be more appropriate. The form “running” is traditionally called “ing-form” when taught in Danish schools, including higher (you can google plenty of examples). The Danish term “perfektum” normally covers “has run”, which is obviously not what you were after. May I suggest that you roll back to the original version of the template, and start on a new one, e.g. “en-verb-ing”, and of course make the necessary changes in e.g refuck, where you have already introduced the ing-form.
- Unfortunately you have also changed the template “en-noun”, so that English nouns are from now on categorized as verbs instead of nouns. (“Kategori:Verber på engelsk”)
- I have yet to see more of the changes you have made over night (too hastily?). I hope that there are no more disasters. Could you be more careful. Please!
- Have a good day! --Olelog (diskussion) 23. okt 2014, 07:20 (UTC)
- Of course I know that you can find the word "lemma" in a Danish dictionary, but that does not take away, that it is hardly understood by most Danes (I should know, I am one of them. If I hadn't been involved in foreign languages for more than 60 years, I would not have known the word). Making the information understandable is positive, isn't it.
- It is also nice when it is explained how to use a template. If you don't like the explanation of use given, just change it to something better instead of just deleting it, as you have done in at least one existing template. And I repeat: please don't change any parameter in an existing template. I sincerely hope you can see how disastrous that is.
- Med venlig hilsen --Olelog (diskussion) 23. okt 2014, 12:34 (UTC)
redigérMening {{{1}}} og {{{2}}}:
- Probably you mean "betydning" and not "mening"?
- Most probably you are making a few completely meaningless (betydningsløse) templates, of no practical use?
- Do you never ask yourself how a Danish reader would react to what you write, and if you give them some meaningful information - (noget af betydning). Do you ever ask a Dane if what you write is correct Danish before you push the enter button? - Or don't you care if it makes sense or not? I wonder - --Olelog (diskussion) 24. okt 2014, 20:51 (UTC) I appreciate of course your contributions when they make good sense with extra value added. In other cases I just shake may head in astonishment - fairly disappointed. Please do not disappoint Danish readers, after all this is the Danish Wiktionary, and not the French or English or whatever.